Friday, February 18, 2011


How often are we presented with a point of view that is not the same as ours? For many of us I would dare to say, all the time. I always hear, "we don't talk about religion and politics", and I must admit that often I find myself agreeing, because it is hard to talk about views we see as being wrong. Often I think that maybe the hardest part is to listen, not just talk...but really listen. I was recently reading Michael J. Fox's book Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist and he described himself doing something that many of us would NEVER do, he invited the Jehovah's Witness's in to chat with him. He talked to them, curious to hear what they had to say, not because he was having a crisis of faith but just to listen. He said something that struck me, he said that to listen to a person with differing beliefs was not threatening, because he knew that the only reason that he would change his belief system was if he heard an undeniable truth, and if he heard that he could handle it. I had to reread this a couple of times, and then I thought about all those times I myself have been worked up over one issue or another. This raises only questions....

Why did I feel threatened by others viewpoints?  Why is it so hard to invite someone who feels differently about something, anything, to have that discussion?  Why do emotions get the better of an otherwise rational, calm, individual? 

Could I invite in a couple of Jehovah's Witness's and have a nice conversation?  If not, what does that say about me as a human being that prides herself on being open minded to people who are not like me?

But the final question I think is,could I be missing the undeniable truth by not allowing my beliefs to be challenged?


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Getting Started

I have no agenda....and no specific topic. I am using this as a sounding board for musings I have and would like to share and I hope to come across some pearls of wisdom. I am a mom of two wonderful kids under the age of three, I will someday finish my masters and go back to work, I worry about the state of the world and would love to travel around it one day. My intention is to write about all of these things.....maybe all in the same day :-)

To start off, the topic today is anxiety. It is that time of the semester again, the beginning, a time when everything seems to be too much. I have papers to write, assignments to complete and observation hours to do, all the while still continuing the daily chores and child duties that I have each day. I know by March I will be confortable with the amount of work I have to do each day, but in the beginning I always feel a little overwhelmed. It has caused an overload of anxiety, which manifests itself into scrubbing every pore of my house. Is this a true sign of a procrastinator? Instead of working on school work that would help quell my anxiety, I become obsessively focused the smallest speck of dirt on my bathroom floor.

So anyone out there who has stumbled up my do you help quell your anxiety?

Til Next Time!

PS. I stuck some video links on there that were found with the key word "things kids say"....maybe a little laughter will help! :-)